New blog page

So, this is just a quick update to let you all know that as of now I’ll be using my Tumblr exclusively for blogging. It’s now located at the subdomain , and can be followed like any other tumblr, or read by anyone who wants. I’m giving this site a bit of an overhaul, changing the theme and getting a blog link up on the top, and I’ll still use this to post content such as song lyrics and stories, and the blog archive will still be available. Basically, I’m bringing all my little corners of the Internet (or as many as I can manage) together under this domain. . My bandcamp page now has the url , btw.

So, for those of you who just check my blog every once in a while, update your bookmark to, and I’ll catch you on the flipside. Common experience tells us that there is a writer pro logical relationship

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