Home… Home again!

Got home yesterday afternoon. It was absolutely wonderful to sleep in my own bed again, with a good pillow, and a mattress that doesn’t have springs that poke my back. My legs are full of mosquito bites, but I did have a nice trip.

Made it to a concert while I was there; “Dialekt Rock”, with Lasse Eriksson, from Närpes. This won’t make much sense to most people, but Närpes is a burrough in Finland where they speak just about the weirdest Swedish dialect in the world. Lasse Eriksson has made a thing out of it, and he writes and sings songs in this dialect, challenging his audience to try and understand them, occasionally fitting in a few other odd dialects as well. Highly entertaining!

I had a very uncomfortable trip home. We left on Saturday morning to go to a family reunion thing. My parents dropped us off (us being the boyfriend and I) in Vasa to hang out for a couple of hours, since the family reunion mostly consisted of my mother’s cousins (and not their kids), none of whom I know. Anyway, it was very hot and I was feeling a bit under the weather since the previous night, but it was okay. We had some lunch, but I didn’t have much of an appetite. When we were picked up and got to the other place, we got some dinner, but I didn’t eat much of that either.

The next morning I had a very small breakfast, still not having much of an appetite, besides which we had to get up at 6:30 am. It was a long drive to Helsinki, and when we got there I still couldn’t eat. I was hungry, but I didn’t want any food. In the end I managed to eat a small bag of crisps and a chocolate bar which sustained me until dinner, at which time I finally had almost a full meal. I went to bed almost straight after dinner, spending some time reading before trying to get some sleep. I woke up very shortly after because we had some rough seas. The rocking made me feel slightly seasick, so I got up, put some clothes on, and went to buy myself a coke. Then I went out on deck where I stood for about two hours before daring to go back to bed when we were nearing Åland.

But after we’d left Mariehamn, the waves once again brought me out of my half slumber, and I went out again. It wasn’t until we entered Stockholm’s sjärgård and the sea completely calmed that I went to bed again and fell asleep. I slept for as long as I can, which brought my total up to about three hours for the whole night.

Needless to say, when I got home I was entirely destroyed. We watched some TV, had some snacks and then went to bed. This morning I slept until I woke up of my own accord, which was bliss.

Anyway, falling asleep in my seat. I’ll blog about something relevant tomorrow (or something).

Tempel bildeten den kultischen mittelpunkt der stadtstaaten und dienten als schützende architektonische hülle für das götterstandbild

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