Neil Gaiman’s The Price

Once again, I’m writing to ask anyone who can to help support Christopher Salmon’s CGI animation project, The Price. I would like to emphasise that this is NOT some sort of pyramid scheme; if they reach their goal sum, the movie WILL be made, and if they don’t you won’t lose any money to it. I can also mention that Neil Gaiman is personally involved in the project as well, and has mentioned it several times on his blog and Twitter.

You can visit ThePrice-Movie.Com to read more about it, and Kickstarter to pledge money. Really, what have you got to lose? Even $10 can be the contribution that makes the movie possible, and if you’d like to pledge more, they’ll give you awesome gifts (if you want them), from a digital download of the movie, to a blu-ray and dvd combo pack with signed posters, to the title of associate producer and (if you’re super-rich) a VIP seat at the premiere next to Neil Gaiman. Yes, I too wish that I had that kind of money… Still, every little helps, and if we pull together this movie will be made and we will be able to enjoy it. As far as I’m concerned, just knowing that I’ve helped contribute to making someone’s dream come true would be enough for me, but that hasn’t stopped me from opting for a limited edition DVD box-set… :P

If you’d like, you can download a press release here. It’s a PDF. On the website there’s also a production blog where you can follow day-to-day developments on the project.

I really, really hope some of you will consider it. Don’t wait too long to make up your minds, though; there’s only 15 days to go. Donations close on the 1st of December, and if the target goal of $150,000 hasn’t been reached by then, we will have no movie, and that would be sad.

So go! What have you got to lose?

You can also follow the project on Facebook and Twitter.

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