Groups and Plumbers

They’ve just been in to fix my shower! Yay!

Tomorrow morning I’m having one of those long, warm, comfortable showers I’ve so sorely missed. Woot! I’m so happy!

I stopped procrastinating today (at least temporarily) and sent out an e-mail to my dissertation band. Hopefully they’ll get back to me soon, and hopefully they’ll all be available next Tuesday… I found out today that if I want to play at the Jamhouse I need to send in a video from a rehearsal by the 11th of February, which sucks as I doubt we’ll have anything ready by then, but we can give it a go… If we do well enough at the rehearsal, maybe we can squeeze in a short one before the 11th and film a song. Here’s to hoping!

We were divided into groups for Employability & Enterprise today. Mine seems okay. I notice that I miss my old group, though… Greg, Mat and Bren are all in a group together, and I can’t help but wish a little bit that their group had picked me, too… But Joe picked me. Joe is nice, and a good drummer, so at least I know I have decent musicians in my group. Keyboard-Mat is in my group too, and Eliza, who’s a singer as well and seems very friendly. She’s Polish. Then there’s a guitarist I’ve never met before called Mel, and a flute player named Jess, and a sound engineer named Chantal, which is cool, cause female sound engineers always seem to work extra hard as it’s such a male dominated field.

Anyway, we’re gonna do a school gig, and Mat has loads of contacts at schools around Walsall, so that’s all good. It’ll be all right, I should think.

Need to buy toothpaste and soap… and some other things. I have an urge to make veggie lasagna today, but it’s such a waste to make it for just one person… Maybe Abi will want some, or Annette, or, for that matter, all of them. I’ll figure it out. Will take the next shuttle bus to town and go shopping.

Mundane, boring blog. Oh, well…

Some going right over there will stay closed but some will open and some will surprise you with incredible new opportunities

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